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Homeschool Musings
Chatting with a friend who is considering homeschooling has me thinking about how our homeschool has evolved over 15 years, and some of...
On Motherhood
Mother's Day 5/12/24 I always dreamed of being a mother. As a child I would clip pictures out of the JCPenney catalog of what I imagined...
There’s a lot of talk right now about being healthier in the new year, especially around eating. There’s also a lot of talk about vitamin...
Planning a Year's Worth of Food
Well, it is officially Fall, the temperature has dropped slightly (if it is 70 or below we are all in sweaters), and I am fully ready to...
Mangalitsa - the wooly pig!
Some of y’all have asked about our “funny looking” pigs! 🐷 We actually get folks who pull off the road to ask about them too! They are...
The Burden and Gift of Knowing Our Food
At dawn they hopped right into the trailer without a second thought. Pete drove them 5 minutes down the road to the local USDA-inspected...
We Need to Stop Being Afraid of Real Food
Real RAW milk. A living food packed with beneficial enzymes, probiotics, bioavailable nutrients, and antibodies. A wealth of health, and...
Radical Food
Sourdough bagels + raw cultured cream cheese =🤩 There are few things more dear to my heart than bread and cheese. Cream cheese and...
Planting Onions
Last year we grew onions from transplants. They grew remarkably well considering that I waited too long to plant them, planted late in...
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